A football project with leading standards in the Basque Country

The footballing model and values underpinning the Milan Academy Bizkaia are a point of reference for the Basque Country, with MSC Butroe Kirol, a local club, and the Rossoneri focused on promoting high-quality football to accompany every athlete in their personal and sporting growth. The project is present in Gatika, Loiu and Mungia and involves more than 270 players aged between five and 18.

Official AC Milan Head Coach Massimiliano Caniato has the role of training the local coaches: during regular visits to the region, he shares his love for football and the methodological principles developed daily by AC Milan with U18 players in mind. The aim is to guarantee that every player experiences personal growth and make them feel part of a family in which the values of sport provide the main foundation.

Asier Castelos and Gorka Guarrotxena, former professional players, Technical Director and President of the Academy: "We're proud to represent AC Milan in Bizkaia and offer our players an effective and successful methodology to follow. This isn’t just a simple partnership with AC Milan, it's a pact which encompasses the whole region and the future of our youngsters."

La Milan Academy Bizkaia ofrece un modelo de valor y una enseñanza del maravilloso deporte que es el fútbol, de absoluta referencia para el territorio vasco. Este modelo está representado por nuestro propio club MSC Butroe Kirol  kluba como referencia del club rossonero, que apuesta por la promoción de un fútbol de calidad capaz de acompañar a todo deportista en su crecimiento tanto personal como deportivo. El proyecto se desarrolla en las ciudades de Gatika, Loiu y la Ikastola Larramendi de Mungia en la cual se situa el centro técnico y que dispone de equipos propios vinculados directamente a la academia, involucrando a más de 300 jugadores de 5 a 18 años.

Massimiliano Caniato - Entrenador oficial del AC Milan - tiene la tarea de formar al personal técnico local compartiendo, a través de visitas periódicas a la región de Bizkaia, el amor por el fútbol y los principios metodológicos desarrollados diariamente por el AC Milan para desarrollar todos los objetivos U18. El compromiso es garantizar a cada jugador un camino de crecimiento personal y hacerle sentir parte de una familia en la que los valores del deporte son la base y el fundamento principal

Asier Castelos e Gorka Guarrotxena, ex jugadores profesionales, actualmente Director Técnico y Presidente de la Academia: "Estamos orgullosos de poder representar al AC Milan en Bizkaia y ofrecer a nuestros jugadores una metodología eficaz y exitosa. El del AC Milan no es una simple asociación, sino un pacto por el territorio y el futuro de nuestros jóvenes".


  • AC Milan Head Coach: Massimiliano Caniato (UEFA A)
  • Support: Regular visits
  • Local Technical Director: Gorka Guarrotxena, Asier Castelos
  • Coaching Staff involved: 15
  • Grassroots (5-13): 130
  • Youth Sector (13-18): 140
  • Active period: September-June


  • Milan Academy U4 - Ages 3-4
    Recreational-educational activities with physical exercise and games to promote the harmonious development of the children's identities as they get to know and learn to control their bodies.
  • Milan Academy U6 - Ages 5-6
    An introduction to motor and technical skills for the smaller children as they learn to understand and move their bodies while on the ball in the most introductory games in football coaching.
  • Milan Academy U8 - Ages 7-8
    Consolidation and development of motor and coordination skills, improvement of individual technique and an introduction to the principles of individual tactics through games against an opponent.
  • Milan Academy U10 - Ages 9-10
    The fine-tuning of individual technique and the development of the children's understanding of individual and team tactics as they begin to work together in different match situations.
  • Milan Academy U12 - Ages 11-12
    A more in-depth understanding of offensive and defensive phases of the game; the development of and introduction to various playing systems through games and situational drills.
  • Milan Academy U14 - Ages 13-14
    A fine-tuning of the children's understanding of offensive and defensive phases of the game; a more in-depth focus on various playing systems, an introduction to different tactics through team exercises.
  • Milan Academy U16 - Ages 15-16
    The consolidation of a footballing philosophy and identity based on ball possession as the result of all of the children's training in their various stages of growth.
  • Milan Academy U18 - Ages 17-18
    A programme centred on the specialisation of the technique, tactics, psychology and physicality required for elite competitive football.


  • Mail:,
  • Telephone: +34 607244046; +34 637419714
  • Facebook: milanacademybizkaia (cooming soon)
  • Instagram: milanacademybizkaia (cooming soon)
  • Twitter: @milanacademybizkaia (cooming soon)


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