Discover the history, how to get there and all the regulations of San Siro Stadium


Entry to the Ground is expressly subject to acceptance by the visitor of these Ground Regulations and the Rules and Regulations of FIFA, UEFA, F.I.G.C. (The Italian Football Association), Lega Calcio (Italian Football League) and the Authority for Public Security and Safety.


• Entry to the Ground shall constitute acceptance of these Ground Regulations and compliance therewith.
• Permission to enter and to remain within the Ground shall be subject to the possession of a valid ticket and to the compliance with these Regulations; the non-compliance therewith will result into immediate termination of the contract, with the consequent offender's banishment from the Ground and the application of an administrative fine ranging from 100 to 500 euro. In the event the offender has already been sanctioned during the same football season, including in another stadium, due to the same violation of the Ground Regulations, the fine may be increased by up to half of the maximum amount and a banning order may be imposed on the offender with respect to any sports event.
• As a rule, entry to the Ground is granted to ticket holders only through the gate indicated on the ticket purchase receipt or shown on the light panels located next to the entrance gates.
• Tickets are personal and not transferable to any third party, except for the cases and according to ways provided by the relevant rules and regulations and by the Event Organiser.
• Visitors who buy tickets in violation of the procedures for the segregation of opponent teams’ supporters may not be allowed to enter the Ground. In the event said violation is identified after entry to the Ground, the offender in question may be ejected from the Ground by the Event Organiser.
• Any person seeking access to the Ground shall exhibit a valid identity document at the pre-filtering gates in addition to the ticket, in order to allow entry control personnel to check the matching of the ticket holder (or legal assignee) and the actual user thereof.
• The ticket shall be exhibited whenever requested by stewards and, in any case, kept until the exit from the Ground.
• All persons entering the Ground may only occupy the seat allocated to them by their ticket, and therefore, upon ticket purchase, they undertake not to occupy any other seat, even if not occupied by any other person, without the express permission of the Event Organiser.
• All persons seeking entrance to the Ground acknowledge that they may be searched also by stewards and through metal detectors for the purpose of avoiding the introduction into the Ground of unlawful, prohibited and/or hazardous items, and they shall follow the instructions provided by the stewards.
• Access to Hospitality areas is regulated by the rules shown next to the entrances thereof and inside the lounges.
• The club may refuse entry to the Ground, including at upcoming events, to any person who violates these Ground Regulations.
• Choreographies can only be proposed and displayed, in compliance with law provisions and the decisions taken by the GOS (Gruppo Operativo Sicurezza – Security Operating Unit), within individual sectors of the stadium and only on the initiative of individuals or groups that historically or habitually occupy these sectors, undertaking the complete management of all related activities. The preparation of special choreographies involving several sectors of the stadium remains the exclusive responsibility of the club organising the event that will submit the proposal to the GOS for evaluation and, after approval, will inform the public also through the club’s official website.
• Any person seeking to enter and remain inside the Ground for any reason whatsoever must have their body temperature measured. Entry will be refused to anyone whose body temperature has been detected as exceeding 37.5 °C and/or presenting with COVID-19 symptoms (including, but not limited to: sore throat, cough, difficulty in breathing, loss of taste or smell, diarrhoea, widespread joint and muscle pain, or other COVID-19 related signs and symptoms).
• During the health emergency period, any person seeking to enter and remain inside the Ground for any reason whatsoever must provide all the self-certifications on health status required by the Club, aimed at containing the risk of COVID-19 infection. Any person not in possession of all the required documentation will be refused admission to or ejected from the Ground.
• During the health emergency period, any person seeking to enter and remain inside the Ground for any reason whatsoever must, by law, wear a protective face mask (i.e., surgical, FFP2 masks without valve, with valve, etc.). The Club will eject from the Ground any transgressor. The essential requirement to verify the identity of any individual seeking to enter the Ground remains unchanged; therefore, if the steward is unable to identify a person with certainty due to the partial covering of their face, he/she may ask the person to move at least 2 metres away and temporarily uncover their face for correct identification.
• During the health emergency period, data related to persons gaining access to the Ground will be kept throughout the period indicated on the personal data information notice by the Event Organiser and provided to national and local health authorities, if requested, for all legal purposes.


It is forbidden to:
• Introduce or carry shotguns or firearms, explosives, fireworks, smoke canisters, flares, stones, knives, or other sharp or cutting items, or any instrument that might be used as a weapon, be deemed to be offensive or intended to be thrown, unlicensed musical instruments (drums, trumpets, and any other kind of musical instruments), except for one beat drums that have been expressly authorized by the GOS, as well as other sound producing or amplification systems, except for loudspeakers that have been expressly authorized by the GOS. For the introduction of both one-beat drums and loudspeakers, the concerned persons shall report to GOS for prior identification.
• Introduce laser devices and the like, and any hazardous item that may jeopardize public safety inside the Ground, cause nuisance or hinder the regular taking place of sports events.
• Introduce alcoholic beverages of any kind.
• Introduce or carry drugs, poisons, harmful substances, inflammable materials, paints or other staining material.
• Enter and remain within the Ground while drunk or under the effect of drugs or mind-altering substances.
• Introduce or sell inside the Ground drinks contained in cans or glass and plastic bottles.
• Introduce any kind of animals.
• Introduce bibs or any other clothing item similar to the uniform of stewards and other service personnel.
• Introduce double pole flags.
• Introduce and display banners, signs, horizontal banners, banderols, documents, drawings, printed or written material, other than those expressly authorised by the GOS (Gruppo Operativo Sicurezza – Security Operating Unit) upon the request of the Event Organiser that shall receive the required documentation in advance in order to release the necessary authorisation; if authorised, the above may, in any case, be displayed only in the places indicated by the Event Organiser and must be removed at the end of the event.
• Install choreographies other than those expressly authorised by the GOS (Gruppo Operativo Sicurezza – Security Operating Unit), upon prior verification of the prescribed requirements, upon request of the Event Organiser that shall receive the required documentation in advance in order to release the necessary authorisation.
• Introduce and display banners, signs, horizontal banners, banderols, documents, drawings, printed or written material, containing propaganda for political, ideological, or religious doctrines, or promoting violence, statements or concepts, which incite racial, ethnic, or religious hatred, or which are, in any case deemed as offensive or capable of jeopardising or hindering the regular course of the sports event.
• Display material that may obstruct spectators’ field visibility or may interfere with emergency signs or obstruct exit ways or access to the pitch.
• Behave incorrectly or aggressively towards stewards and, in general, towards control and security staff.
• Express any form of racial, ethnic or religious discrimination, including by chanting or showing written statements, or any other form of intolerance.
• Make any form of propaganda of any kind, and in any way without the prior written authorisation of the Event Organiser.
• Carry out any kind of commercial activity without the prior written authorisation of the Event Organiser.
• Behave in such a way as to cause damage to other visitors.
• Cause damage to, or tamper with any structure, infrastructure, and service within the Ground.
• Climb balustrades, railings, walls and fences and any other structures not intended for occupancy by the public.
• Obstruct stairways, gangways, access ways, entrances, and exits and any other escape route.
• Introduce, without the prior authorisation of pre-filtering entry control stewards, belts with big metal buckles, umbrellas, crutches and other accessories, or devices; stewards may refuse permission to the introduction of said items, in the event there might be good reason to believe that such items and devices may be improperly used.
• The entrance of wheelchairs for disabled people may take place only through the designated entry gate.
• During the health emergency period and within the limits of the law, enter the Ground in case of contact within the previous 14 days with SARS-CoV-2 infected persons.
• Smoke.


• The following conducts violate these Ground Regulations, are therefore sanctioned with administrative fines, and also constitute offences:
- disguise
- possession of proper and improper weapons
- display of emblems or symbols of associations encouraging racial, ethnic, national or religious discrimination or violence
- incitement to violence during sports events
- possession, throwing and use of hazardous items and fireworks
- climbing over fences
- pitch invasion 

• Pursuant to Article 9 of the Air Quality Regulations of the Municipality of Milan, approved with the City Council Resolution no. 56 dated 19 November 2020, it is forbidden to smoke within sports facilities of any kind, including in public areas. Failure to comply with this prohibition is punishable by an administrative fine ranging from €40 to €240.
• A video surveillance system is operating inside and outside the Ground. All recordings will be made available to the competent Judicial and Public Security Authorities. Data will be treated according to the provisions of the EU Regulations No. 2016/679, Legislative Decree 196/2003 and Ministerial Decree dated 6 June 2005, and according to ways as described in detail in the information notice on personal data protection prepared by the Event Organiser.
• Personal data of ticket buyers or assignees shall be treated according to law and ticket purchase contract provisions, as described in detail in the information notice on personal data protection prepared by the Event Organiser.


The issuing of passes is subject to the provisions issued from time to time by the competent authority.

In order to guarantee that safety and security conditions inside the stadium are maintained, the application of the provisions of Laws no. 401/1989; 377/2001, 88/2003 and 41/2007 and subsequent amendments and additions regarding safety and security in stadiums, as well as the application of the current tax regulations regarding service tickets, the use of service passes is subject to the following regulations.

  1. Passes are numbered. Pass holders may only enter the stadium through the dedicated entrance.
  2. At the entrance, pass holders will have to agree to have their identity verified by the service personnel by presenting an identity document. If they refuse, they will not be allowed access to the stadium.
  3. From the moment the bearer is identified, each pass will be named after its holder and cannot be used by another person.
  4. Pass holders will only have access to the areas indicated in the passes and only for service purposes;
  5. Pass holders must agree to be identified at all times by service personnel by showing identification. Refusal to comply with identification, the use of a pass assigned to another person or the use of the pass for reasons other than those of service or, finally, access to areas that are not permitted, will result in the immediate accompaniment to the exit of the pass holder, who may be reported to the Public Security Authority for investigation. To this end, we would like to remind you that pursuant to Article 1-septies, paragraph 2 of Decree-Law no. 28 of 24 February 2003, as amended by Law no. 41/2007, "Anyone who ... enters the facilities in violation of the respective regulations of use, or remains there ... shall be punished with a fine ranging from EUR 100 to EUR 500... the offender may be subject to the prohibition and prescriptions referred to in Article 6 of Law No. 401 of 13 December 1989 for a period of not less than three months and not more than two years”.
  6. Under Article 1 quinquies of Law No. 88 of 24 April 2003, undue access to sports facilities with a capacity of more than 10,000 people is punishable by a fine ranging from Euro 103 to Euro 516, and under Article 6 bis paragraph 2 of Law No. 401 of 13 December 1989, anyone who unduly exceeds a fence or separation of a sports facility is punishable by arrest up to six months.
  7. The use of the SERVICE PASS constitutes full acceptance and acknowledgment of the Stadium Use Regulations, Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct of A.C. Milan S.p.A.
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