The first branch in Romania, created in 2017

Inaugurated in 2017, the Milan Academy Craiova formed the first-ever Rossoneri base in Romania, opening its doors to boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 20 to provide a high-quality path of sporting and personal growth through the AC Milan coaching process, developed with passion and in-depth study over the years.

Official AC Milan Head Coach Massimiliano Caniato has the role of training the local coaches and coordinating the main activities for all of the Academy's members on his regular visits. Along with the Club’s sporting values, AC Milan’s methods help develop an elite footballing model, based not only on technical-tactical components, but also on individual and collective ideas of the game of football, all while maintaining respect for the rules, teammates and opponents.

Jan Viorel Nicola, President and Technical Director of the Academy: "Inspired by the Club’s values, we're eager to develop this partnership with AC Milan in order to offer a project which is unique in its kind, and one which succeeds in generating sporting and social value for the community."

Inaugurată în 2017, Milan Academy Craiova a format prima bază Rossoneri din România, deschizându-și ușile pentru băieți și fete cu vârste cuprinse între 5 și 20 de ani, pentru a oferi un drum de înaltă calitate a creșterii sportive și personale, prin procesul de antrenament AC Milan. , dezvoltat cu pasiune și studiu aprofundat de-a lungul anilor.

Antrenorul oficial AC Milan, Massimiliano Caniato, are rolul de a antrena antrenorii locali și de a coordona activitățile principale pentru toți membrii Academiei în vizitele sale periodice. Alături de valorile sportive ale clubului, metodele AC Milan ajută la dezvoltarea unui model de fotbal de elită, bazat nu numai pe componente tehnico-tactice, dar și pe ideile individuale și colective ale jocului de fotbal, toate păstrând respectul pentru reguli, coechipieri și adversari.

 Jan Viorel Nicola, președinte și director tehnic al Academiei: „Inspirat de valorile Clubului, suntem dornici să dezvoltăm acest parteneriat cu AC Milan pentru a oferi un proiect unic de acest gen și unul care reușește să genereze sport și valoarea socială pentru comunitate."


  • AC Milan Head Coach: Massimiliano Caniato (UEFA A)
  • Support: Regular visits
  • Local Technical Director: Jan Viorel Nicola
  • Coaching Staff involved: 5
  • Grassroots (5-13): 80
  • Youth Sector (13-20): 40
  • Active period: September-May


  • Milan Academy U4 - Ages 3-4
    Recreational-educational activities with physical exercise and games to promote the harmonious development of the children's identities as they get to know and learn to control their bodies.
  • Milan Academy U6 - Ages 5-6
    An introduction to motor and technical skills for the smaller children as they learn to understand and move their bodies while on the ball in the most introductory games in football coaching.
  • Milan Academy U8 - Ages 7-8
    Consolidation and development of motor and coordination skills, improvement of individual technique and an introduction to the principles of individual tactics through games against an opponent.
  • Milan Academy U10 - Ages 9-10
    The fine-tuning of individual technique and the development of the children's understanding of individual and team tactics as they begin to work together in different match situations.
  • Milan Academy U12 - Ages 11-12
    A more in-depth understanding of offensive and defensive phases of the game; the development of and introduction to various playing systems through games and situational drills.
  • Milan Academy U14 - Ages 13-14
    A fine-tuning of the children's understanding of offensive and defensive phases of the game; a more in-depth focus on various playing systems, an introduction to different tactics through team exercises.
  • Milan Academy U16- Ages 15-16
    The consolidation of a footballing philosophy and identity based on ball possession as the result of all of the children's training in their various stages of growth.
  • Milan Academy U18- Ages 17-18
    A programme centred on the specialisation of the technique, tactics, psychology and physicality required for elite competitive football.


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