24 December 2020


The honorary vice president Franco Baresi greeted guests and volunteers. The devices will ensure safer access to the locations

AC Milan donated 10 thermal scanners to be distributed across the various locations where Opera San Francesco per i Poveri di Milano operates. Every day, the organisation founded by the Capuchin Friars of Viale Piave back in 1959, takes care of the less fortunate who have been affected particularly hard and are in immense difficulty due to the pandemic.

An elevated temperature is one of the first symptoms of the Covid-19 virus. In addition to social distancing, wearing masks and gloves, and washing your hands often, it is also important to avoid being in contact with people who may have symptoms, including a high temperature. The possibility to check an individual's temperature reliably ensures greater safety for all the guests as well as staff and volunteers who work with the OSF.

Recently, AC Milan Honorary Vice President, Franco Baresi, paid a visit to Opera San Francesco where he was welcomed by the Chairman of OSF, Friar Marcello Longhi, and got to meet the guests and “inaugurate” the first out of 10 devices that were delivered over the last few days.  

"AC Milan is always very attentive and committed to helping to solve the issues affecting our community in this difficult and delicate moment - commented Franco Baresi - The Club continues its commitment towards the city and its citizens taking concrete actions to respond to their specific needs. The pandemic has been and continues to be a serious challenge for the whole world and any help that can be offered is very important in the fight against Covid-19."

Friar Marcello Longhi expressed the gratitude of the whole OSF and said: "In these months characterized by uncertainty for everyone, especially for those living in poverty, Opera San Francesco continues to be a point of reference also thanks to the concrete contribution of entities like AC Milan which has shown its closeness to Milan in the truest and deepest sense of the word. The Rossoneri are not only the symbol of football for the city but are also and of Milan’s great solidarity. We are all more than happy to welcome them to the OSF family."

The ten thermal scanners were installed at the entrances of the meal centres of Corso Concordia and Piazzale Velasquez, as well as of the Collection Centre, the Clinic, the Showers and Clothes services and the administrative offices that are now equipped for the detection of body temperature.

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